domingo, agosto 05, 2018

Quin és el sentit de voler apagar el sol?

Quin és el sentit de voler apagar el sol?

Hair: Navy+Copper - Souffle for Uber (New!!!)
AppHead: .: fiore :. RAZ Catwa Applier - SPF15(New!!!)

Pet1:  {anc} doves
Pet2: +Half-Deer+

Rings:{PSYCHO:Byts}. Pisione Rings Set for The Season Story(New!!!)

Top: .: vive nine :. Tami Ribbed Track Top - Emerald for Vanity Event (New!!!)
Pant: .: vive nine :. Tami Ribbed Track Pants - Grey for Vanity Event (New!!!)
Sneakers: Nena :: Woman Sneakers :: 10 Colors ::  {kokoia}

Pose: <K&S> // She is ok // Bento poses for PocketSHOP (New!!!)

(Milk Motion) - A summer in Provence- for  C88 (New!!!)
(Milk Motion) - gipsy oak 
(Milk Motion) water's edge scene 
(Milk Motion) picnic tree- with lanterns 
(Milk Motion) water lily - big w/ flower  
(Milk Motion) water lily - small 2 w/ flower 
(Milk Motion) water lily - flower  

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