lunes, abril 02, 2018

Construïm un lloc al que podem anomenar llar

Construïm un lloc al que podem anomenar llar
Hair: Vanity Hair::Realms for The Dollhouse (New!!!)
Head: .: fiore :. Alura Bento Mesh Head
AppHead: .: fiore :. Ashley Skin Applier HUD - SPF15

Pet: +Half-Deer+

Top: GAIA - Poison Gacha (New!!!)
Panties: GAIA - Poison Gacha (New!!!)
Socks: GAIA - Poison Gacha RaRe (New!!!)

Pose: <K&S> I <3 Coffee. Pack 2 for The DollHouse (New!!!)

(Milk Motion) under construction penthouse for Uber (New!!!)
(Milk Motion) debris heap for Uber (New!!!)
(Milk Motion) paint bucket 1 for Uber (New!!!)
(Milk Motion) paint bucket 3 for Uber (New!!!)
(Milk Motion) planks wall for Uber (New!!!)

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