jueves, agosto 03, 2017

Ara no... tinc mal de cap

Ara no... tinc mal de cap
Hair: Beusy: Olivia Hairstyle for Uber (New!!!)
Head: .: fiore :. Alura Bento Mesh Head 
AppHead: .: fiore :. Ashley Skin Applier HUD - SPF20 
Ears: *Tentacio* My kawaii ears

Harness up pink: *Tentacio* Let me breathe for The gacha garden  Gacha(New!!!)
Harness under pink: *Tentacio* Let me breathe for The gacha garden  Gacha(New!!!)
Nipples white: *Tentacio* Let me breathe for The gacha garden  Gacha(New!!!)
Thong white: *Tentacio* Let me breathe for The gacha garden  Gacha(New!!!)

Poses: FOXCITYGlitz Bento Pose Set for Limit8 (New!!!)
Photo Booth: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Glam - Black Limited for Limit8 (only 100 copies of this version will be sold) New!!!

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