lunes, mayo 08, 2017

Posem color al dilluns

Posem color al dilluns
Hair: Vanity Hair::Out Of My Head-Greedy  (New!!!)
Head: Fiore
App Head: 
New Faces - Yukimi (Fiore App) [NC20]
Hands: *Tentacio & Cureless* Galatea Doll Lolita  - Gacha RARE for The Secret Hideou  (New!!!)
Body: *Tentacio & Cureless* Galatea Doll Lolita - Gacha for The Secret Hideou  (New!!!)

Neckleace: *Tentacio & Cureless* Galatea Doll Lolita Red - Gacha for The Secret Hideou  (New!!!)

Oniepiece: *Tentacio & Cureless* Galatea Doll Lolita Red - Gacha for The Secret Hideou  (New!!!)

Pose: FOXCITYFormal VOL2 Bento Set (New!!!) for One9
FOXCITY. Neon City V1 Light (For Bright Windlights)

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